The CCPA Native American Initiatives Committee (NAIC) strives to foster an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding between the archaeological and Native American communities through a variety of means, including but not limited to professional development of archaeological careers, education and outreach.
The CCPA offers a competitive scholarship of $1,500.00 for one college student to attend an archaeology field school. The scholarship is for a Native American college student who is enrolled in an accredited Anthropology program and the field school should be through a university or college. In lieu of an archaeological field school, the scholarship may be awarded for compensation of costs up to $1,500.00 for similar training or other educational expenses related to archaeological or anthropological studies; examples of such include (but are not limited to) training in NEPA, NAGPRA, NHPA (Section 106), museum studies, artifact analysis, tribal cultural preservation programs, etc.
How to Apply:
Complete the application below and submit it to CCPA's Native American Initiatives Committee Chair. Applications for CCPA's Native American Scholarship are due on April 25.
Contact Bridget Ambler 970/570-7770 with questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are applications due? The Native American scholarship application is due April 25, 2025 Ward Weakly scholarship applications are due 1 March and 1 November of each year Check out the Colorado Archaeological Society web page for more information on the Alice Hamilton Scholarship (https://www.coloradoarchaeology.org/alice-hamilton-scholarship).
How are awards determined?
When will I be notified if I'm receiving an award? What if I'm not receiving an award?