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Become a CCPA Member

The CCPA brings together a diverse community of professionals and students dedicated to preserving, studying, and sharing Colorado's rich archaeological heritage. Whether you're a seasoned archaeologist, a student eager to learn, or simply passionate about protecting Colorado's cultural  resources, CCPA offers membership opportunities to help you connect, grow, and make an impact.


Explore membership options below. 

Voting members are expected to adhere to CCPA's Code of Ethics and to regularly participate in Council activities. Retired voting members are eligible to pay reduced dues. 


Voting members have full voting rights in all Council business, will receive all Council publications, and are eligible to serve as Council or member of any Council committee. 



  1. Minimum of a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree in anthropology or related discipline, and

  2. Minimum of 12 months full-time professional archaeological experience, and

  3. Written agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics.

How to Apply:


Complete and send the membership application with a current professional resume to the Membership Committee as instructed in the application. Additionally, prospective members should remit their dues payment below. 


The Membership Committee will review your application and contact you with confirmation of your membership or a request for additional information.

Membership Frequently Asked Questions

When are dues due? Your CCPA dues need to be renewed each year. Dues paid within a new calendar year are assumed to be for that calendar year, unless specified otherwise in writing at the time of payment.

How much are dues? For Voting Members, including American Indian Voting Members, dues are $45. Voting Member/Native American Member (Retired) dues are $40. Associate Member dues are $35. Associate Member (Retired) dues are $30. Voting Student Member and Associated Student Member dues are $10.

What is included in my dues payment? CCPA dues cover the cost of administering CCPA business and the newsletter. $5 from each member's annual dues goes to the Ward F. Weakly Memorial Fund, for student scholarships. Members receive newsletters by email and can register for the Annual Meeting at the member's price.

Can I pay dues online? Yes, you can pay dues and submit membership applications online. This is preferred. Mailed applications and dues may take from 6-10 weeks for the Council to record.

To whom do I mail my dues? If you are a renewing or lapsed member, you can mail a check (addressed to "Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists") for your dues to: CCPA c/o ERO Resources Corporation 1626 Cole Blvd. Suite 100 Lakewood, CO 80401 Please note in your letter any changes to your phone number, email address, address, or institutional affiliation.

Do all CCPA members pay dues? No, CCPA Fellows are exempt from dues payments as a membership privilege.

Can I pay my dues at the Council's Annual Meeting? . Yes, your dues can be added to the cost of meeting registration in person at the meeting or ahead of time on the conference registration portal.

Am I still a member if I haven't paid my dues in a while? Yes. According to Article V, Section 8 of the CCPA Bylaws, a member whose standing has lapsed due to nonpayment of dues may be reinstated upon receipt of current year's dues.

Do I need to reapply if my membership lapses? No. According to Article V, Section 8 of the CCPA Bylaws, a member whose standing has lapsed due to nonpayment of dues may be reinstated upon receipt of current year's dues.

Will my dues be refunded if I resign my membership? ................. No, dues will not be refunded if you resign your membership. Dues are only refunded if multiple memberships are purchased for the same person.

Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists


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